
What is 3U1M Program

3 Years of University

1 Year in Market

Career Pathways offered by 3U1M

Superior Go Global

Start with the Freshman Program

When a student gets admission in Superior University there is a rigorous on-boarding program in place called freshman program that helps in the smooth transition to university education through IQ and EQ Accelerators. The Freshman Program is an academically rigorous and intensive 8-week program that provides a broad foundation for the 4-year degree program through a blend of 15 life management skill modules including Emotional Intelligence, Entrepreneurial Mindset in Action and the Art of Communication. These modules empower students to boost their self-confidence and nurture a clear sense of purpose in their lives.

3U: 3 Years of University’s Project Based Learning

In a globalized world, higher education needs a more interconnected approach to prepare students effectively. Traditional classroom teaching falls short in exposing students to real-world challenges. Instead, student-centric experiential learning, particularly project-based learning, is crucial for nurturing 21st-century skills. At Superior University, a three-year academic journey focuses on experiential learning through Project Based Learning (PBL), fostering self-directed exploration. PBL involves real-world projects connecting learning to practicality, prompting critical thinking and skill acquisition. Students engage in yearly projects aligned with course outcomes, cultivating industry-relevant knowledge, competencies, and professionalism. Projects are driven by questions and contextualized for authentic problem-solving. Mentors provide guidance, while CLO-based assessment and rubrics evaluate skill levels. Integration across semesters enriches the process, complemented by Entrepreneurial and Social Entrepreneurial Programs and International Exchange opportunities.

The Foundation Year

Year 1 | PBL 1

Year 1 serves as the foundation year for a life altering educational journey of students by offering major deviation from the conventional mode of

learning and setting a trajectory of learning that is structured around different sets of carefully designed experiences. Students are exposed to project-based learning that encompasses the aforementioned stages of the desired learning cycle while acquiring basic-level cognitive, psychomotor, and affective skills. The third year of 3U is further significant on account of opening the window of international exposure for students under the International Student Exchange Program administrated by the International Office. Thorough screening of students and their subsequent study period in one of the 250 partner universities across the globe provide much needed cultural and academic exposure. The program envisages academic and cultural grooming within its larger learning framework so that graduates of Superior are ready for national as well as international markets.

The Exploration Year

Year 2 | PBL 2

Year 2 under the 3U1M Program becomes a year of exploration for students whereby they embark upon creating their identity as budding professionals, achieving clarity of purpose, and deciding their career pathways. During the Exploration Year, the experiential learning framework offers two comprehensive projects to the students according to the scope, learning, and outcomes. Similar to the Foundation Year Mini Project horizontally integrates within the semester scheme of studies and vertically integrates with Major Project which is offered at the end of year-02. In order to ensure quality standardization and 360o assessment, the heads of Quality Circle are taken onboard as internal mentors and Alumni as external mentors.

Year 2 provides students with opportunities to employ skills gained from Foundation Year in the face of relatively more complex projects designed to further test and enhance their skills under the support of mentors. During this year, teachers continue providing semi-structured learning support to students in a non-dominant manner while maintaining open and encouraging engagement.

The Year of Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Year 3 | PBL 3

Innovation and entrepreneurship are at the core of learning processes designed for the 3rd year of 3U. Three interventions supplementing the Year 3 PBL are ETTP, SEP, and International Exposure.Year 3 aims to develop socially responsible students having learnt entrepreneurial mindsets through our flagship Social Entrepreneurship Program (SEP), and Entrepreneurial Teaching & Training Program (ETTP) powered by our own Chaudhry Muhammad Akram Center for Entrepreneurship Development (CMACED). The entrepreneurial journey drives our students through the exposition of new ideas, entrepreneurial safari, poster exhibition, and a rich experience of Superior Entrepreneurial Expo (SEE) Pakistan. Industry gurus become their mentors and guide them throughout the journey.

The third year of 3U is further significant on account of opening the window of international exposure for students under the International Student Exchange Program administrated by the International Office. Thorough screening of students and their subsequent study period in one of the 250 partner universities across the globe provide muchneeded cultural and academic exposure. The program envisages academic and cultural grooming within its larger learning framework so that graduates of Superior are ready for national as well as international markets.

1M: A Year of Experiential Learning

The 1M Program brings industry onboard to impart contemporary skills, knowledge, and attitudes among students to ensure their employability before the completion of the degree. In this market intensive year, students put their learning and experiences of the past three years to practice. Along with academic specializations, they are offered four career choices namely Startup, Scaleup, Design Challenge stream and Superior Go Global. While Startup and Scaleup streams offer a challenge that is entrepreneurial in nature, the Design Challenge stream requires a solution-oriented approach and analytical mindset from students and the Superior Go global offers the students a chance to explore global opportunities of work and further studies.

Career Pathways offered by 3U1M Program

Startup Stream Powered by ID92

Startup Stream is meant for students who possess entrepreneurial drive and aim to become job creators instead of job seekers. Students in this stream, are trained to initiate a new venture from conception to commercialization.

Impact 2022-23

jobs Created
Investment Made
0 M
Revenue Generated
0 M

Graduated Startups

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Scaleup Stream Powered by Scaleup PK

Scaleup stream caters to students who already have a family business and wish to expand it. The stream is contributing to transforming the trajectory of small and medium enterprises by converting small businesses into medium size enterprises and bringing professional orientation and growth mindset among them.

Impact 2022-23

jobs Created
Investment Made
0 M
Revenue Generated
0 M

Graduated Startups

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Design Challenge Stream Powered by Superior Employability Centre

Startup Stream is meant for students who possess entrepreneurial drive and aim to become job creators instead of job seekers. Students in this stream, are trained to initiate a new venture from conception to commercialization.

Departments with 100% Employability

Overall Employability
0 %

Superior Go Global Stream Powered by International office

Living up to its tradition of coming up with innovative solutions to Pakistan’s socioeconomic challenges, Superior University has introduced a much-needed initiative of providing our youth, the opportunity to pursue careers in international markets. Super Go Global stream is answer to current challenge of current account deficit and shrinking domestic economy. It is a mission to export our human capital who would become ambassadors of Pakistan in the world, and bring-in foreign exchange and new business opportunities to Pakistan.

Scope of Go Global Stream

The Go Global will open doors for graduates to pursue employment opportunities worldwide. By creating a globally relevant curriculum and fostering international partnerships, the stream strives to ensure that our students are well-prepared to compete and thrive in the global job market. Through in-depth analysis of the market trends and student’s preference we have prioritized the countries to focus in the initial phase of Go Global Stream. Through a series of interventions and handholding of our students in final year (i.e., 1M) we will export their skills and knowledge to countries such as Canada, USA, UK, Australia, Gulf nations, France, Central Asian states, Korea, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Germany, and many more.

Survey to Assess Student Interest
and Preferred Career Choices

To assess the interest and willingness to join Go Global stream a survey of undergraduate students of sixth semester has been conducted that shows that an overwhelming majority of students are ambitious to explore career opportunities abroad. Out of 1250 students surveyed, 59.2% showed interest to go abroad for higher education followed by 35.7% for work purposes and 5.1% for immigration.


Result of Student Survey

Overall Employability
0 %

Student Journey

Student Orientations
Student Capacity Development Program
Stream Registration
Deficiency Courses for Go-Global
Degree Completion
Initiation of Processing

- Higher Education.
- Work Permit.
- Internship.


- Higher Education.
- Work Permit.
- Immigration.